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It is true that one day we will die and our lives will begin at the Day of Judgment (Day of Qyamat). All good and bad that we have done in this world have been asked from us at this day. Anyone cannot help us and we will give accountancy of all our doings in this world. In order to get guidance, religious values (Islam) and guidance plays an important role to succeed at the Day of Judgment (Qyamat). Religious values teach us about our creator Allah Almighty, last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH), Holy book Quran-e-Pak and other religious values that can help us to be successful in both world and the day of Qyamat.

In order to strengthen our societies, we need to teach children according to the Islam. Islamic education is based on the HolyQur’an and Holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH). All guidance about every aspect of life is found in Holy Qur’an and Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH)’s Sunnah or hadith. Our holy Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) said:

“The best of you is he who has learnt the Qur’an and then taught it.” (Hadith: Bukhari)

The parents will be answerable about their children’s education and training. Children usually influenced by the environment in which they bought up. They have to be influenced by school education, friend’s company, television, books, magazines and radio programs. All these things are part of children’s environment. It is necessary to provide Muslim children with the Islamic environment in order to train them according to the Islamic education. It is parent’s duty to clearly explain the difference about the rights and wrongs according to Islam. As said in Qur’an:

“And know that you possessions and your offspring are only a trial; and that it is Allah with whom there is a tremendous reward” (Holy Qur’an 8:28)

Only with clear understanding of Islam and its values, we can hope about our children that they will follow the teachings of Islam in future. Another place, said in Qur’an:

“Allah has favored the believers by sending them a messenger from amongst themselves, to recite His verses to them, to purify them, and teach them the book and wisdom whereas previously they were in clear error.” (Holy Qur’an 3:164)

 The children’s Islamic education is the responsibility of parents and they will be account for this responsibility at the Day of Judgment. As said:

“No father can give his child anything better than good manners.” (Hadith: Tirmidhi)

We as parents need to concentrate on the children’s better learning according to Islamic education.
Now there are many sources to develop children’s interest in Islam (Quran, Ahadith, Islamic books and other Islamic values). Masjids and Islamic centers (Madrassa) are playing an important role in teaching children. They can keep Qari or Qaria at home to teach Qur’an to their children. The parents can make learning of Quran and hadith interesting as reading story books. They need to tell them about the stories in Quran and then ask children to learn the whole stories.  In order to ensure that children have learnt something from the Quran stories, they can ask quizzes from these stories. These quizzes and stories will increase the interest the children to learn Quran and listen its more stories.

The parents need to prepare a proper schedule to teach Quran and ensure that children give specific time to learn Qur’an. To make Islamic learning interesting, parents need to give daily Quran lesson of their mental level even a single verse that they can easily learn.

Nowadays, internet is also playing an important role in educating kids or children. Online books libraries, and a wide collection of Islamic books are available on internet. There are many Islamic learning books, Quran learning academy in audio and video form, applications for android and iOS mobile phones. You as parents can search Qur’an and other Islamic books in stories and games form in order to make Islamic education more interesting for kids or children.

It becomes easier for parents to attract children towards Islamic education in order to better future of themselves and their children.  All this is necessary for us to be successful in this world and to pass the exam at the Day of Judgment.

For more details: http://muslimzon.com/